Bread and Basketball

Here is the moment you have been waiting for. Welcome the results page. This page will contain the winner of each NBA vs Bread matchup and I'm sure the winners will be no surprise. Thank you for taking the time to read through each competition, I appreciate it, and to show my gratitude, here are your winners of the 2016 National Basketball vs. Bread championships.




Surprising? I didn't think so. Let me explain my decisions. First off, the obvious one. The Warriors are an unstoppable team that would have no trouble beating any other team in the league, much less a couple loaves of rye bread. Next, whole grain beat the Lakers of course. Not much the Lakers could have done considering how they are doing this current season. Lastly, and probably the most difficult, was the Clippers vs Sourdough. In the end, the Clippers beat sourdough but just by a hair, that hair being only 1mm in size. As always, they came through in the end, but putting themselves in a position where they almost lost is definitely expected from the Clippers. Sourdough put up a good fight and it deserves its fame.